Day 7-9: The granddaughter

 The focus changed from adult activities to child activities, which centers around my grandchild Guinevere.  Dinner is early, the day starts early, etc.

  On Saturday, the day starts at 7am with Guinnie getting up.  She eats, spends playtime with grandpa and then off to ballet in tutu and shoes:

We come home and rest for a while then off to Harper's birthday party:

Next was dinner with friends - sorry no pictures.

Sunday began early with 8:15 am mass and then breakfast with more friends.  I wish we had time to see others.

Next was nap time for me and Guinnie, then onward to get pictures of Guinnie with some bluebonnets and other wildflowers:

Then off to play:

Last but not least the flying hippo

Next off to Big Bend National Park via McDonald Observatory.

Paul Kristoff


Unknown said…
Adorable...they grow up so quickly!!

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