Day 20: Visit with friends

Vicki and her brother put some magnetic holders on some of the storage doors on the outside of the trailer.  We can now just open the door up to the magnet and it holds.  Before we would have to hook it with a wimpy hook that sometimes closed on us.

They also put on a screen door protector just in case Max decides to scratch the door and made some additional repairs to the spare tire holder.

I on the other hand had set up some time to meet with some old buddies from time gone by.  The first was with Christy Chism.  We ate at Flo's Asian Kitchen.  A good choice by Christy.   I worked with her at Texas Instruments back in the 90's (before the turn of the century).  I also played volleyball with her: two and three person outdoor and 6 person.  She moved to the Phoenix area to get a degree in nursing and I lost touch with her for about 20 years;  it does not seem that long.  It was great catching up with her.

For Dinner I met with Mike DeWitt and Bob Wadsworth from Clarksville high school.   I have not seen Bob for about ten years and Mike for about a year.  Both at our class reunions.  We ate at the Taco Guild, which is a restaurant in an old church.

Bob, me and Mike
Taco Guild
Taco Guild
Taco Guild the inside

I am now famous at the restaurant for telling the manager where the men's restroom is.  It was great catching up with them.

Next: More Visiting

Paul and Vicki Kristoff


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