Day 6-8: B&B

Day 6-8 found us at a 5 star B&B in Bastrop, TX.  It had RV storage with electricity.  It also had free RV repair,  The spare tire is no longer in the trunk of the SUV.  It is back on the travel trailer or as my nephews named it UTT (unidentified travel trailer).  The B&B served a wonderful chicken dinner the first night, a hot dog cookout  the second night, and a buffet dinner at the local country club on night three. Breakfast included eggs, potatoes, pancakes, vegan pastries, and a variety of cereals.  It felt good to sleep on a bed and to have full size bathroom/shower.

We were delighted to find the other people staying at the B&B were Vicki’s cousin Marybeth and her husband Tony.  

The proprietors of the B&B were Vicki’s brother Jeff and his wife Kath.

We had a good time visiting with family and taking a break from RVing, especially 4 straight days.

The hotdogs were served at Vicki's nephew's new house.  We got to see Ryan, Taylor, Grant and the two dogs (Ben & Charlie):

The buffet was held at the Bastrop Area Cruisers monthly meeting. Jeff is a member and this years president.

He ran a good meeting and gave a good talk; however, the room we were in had a great view of the sun setting and it was one of the best I have ever seen in Bastrop.  So I tried to snapshot a picture of Jeff to get the sunset, but it did not do the sunset justice.  


As soon as the meeting was over about 5 of us ran out to the lawn to take pictures of the sunset.  I got the following pictures with my cell (bummer i forgot the mirrorless camera.  Keep in mind the best part of the sunrise was gone;

Of course, Max continued watching UTT:

About 6 years ago Bastrop had a major forest fire.  Jeff and Kath’s house was spared.  The fire stopped in there backyard.  I had a chance to visit shortly after the fire and a couple of times since.  Here are some of the original pictures of a house that was destroyed.

2011 house after the fire (Nov)

Look all the ash and junk from the house.  The valley below the house is just ash and burnt trees.  None of the undergrowth is there.



2013  same house (Nov).  

The ash is gone and there is some green.  There are still burnt trees around and the area has been cleaned up a bit.  The valley below the house has some undergrowth coming up.


2017 pictures (April).  

This year the area is green and I actually was some wildflowers growing.  The burnt trees are still around but are less obvious.  The flower pots and larger plants are still there.  In the valley below the undergrowth is several feet tall.

Next stop:  visiting grand daughter, daughter and son-in-law in Plano Texas.

Total miles:  1690/5869(through the Grand Tetons)

Paul Kristoff


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