Day 27: Family arrives

Today my daughter Karen, Sean , and Guinnie (2.5 years) are arriving.  My sister Mary Beth, Thomas, Zach (10 years) and Matt (10 years) are arriving.  Last chance to take sunrise pictures before family gets here.  Once they arrive the priorities are different, as they should do, moving more toward family.

So this morning I decide to go on the south rim trail outside the hotel room.  It was not the most exciting sunrise as far as dynamics goes but here are a few pictures:

Sunrise from South Rim Trail
Sunrise from South Rim Trail
Sunrise from South Rim Trail

Vicki and I scouted out ShoShone Point, Lipan Point & Desert View  for potential sunrise or sunset opportunities.  All of them were really cool overlooks with great potential for early morning light.  I'll show you some of the pictures but the lighting was terrible:
ShoShone Point
ShoShone Point
ShoShone Point

Lipan Point
Desert View
Desert View
Desert View
Desert View
Desert View
Desert View

Family begins to arrive:

Vicki awaiting the arrival of Ginnie
Of course, they come in from the rear.  Vicki and I are put in charge of entertaining the 2 1/2 year old while they check in.

Keeping Guinnie busy while mom and dad check in
Keeping Guinnie busy while mom and dad check in
Keeping Guinnie busy while mom and dad check in
Keeping Guinnie busy while mom and dad check in
Checkin complete
Keeping Guinnie busy while mom and dad check in
Keeping Guinnie busy while mom and dad check in
I really like this picture for some reason
They get checked and have to wait for their room to be cleaned.  This is at 330pm in the afternoon.

Karen, Sean and Guinnie

Next come the nephews, who come in about 10 minutes later and their room is ready.

The twins arrive

The Twins arrive
The twins arrive
The twins arrive
The twins arrive
The twins arrive

Family photo at dinner:

Family Photo at dinner

Sunset on the South Rim trail outside our room:
Sunset South Rim Trail

Sunset South Rim Trail
Sunset South Rim Train
Sunset South Rim Train
Sunset South Rim Train
Sunset South Rim Train
Sunset South Rim Train - El Tovar Hotel

After much research deciding when and where I will take star pictures and see the milky way.  I decide that tomorrow is that time.  I plan on getting up around 3am and driving to the desert view observatory, which is about 45 minutes away.  The idea is to get the milky way next to the tower and to get star trails from the other direction.

Next:  Stars

Paul and Vicki Kristoff


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