Day 26: Off to the Grand Canyon

We take-off from Scottsdale went pretty smoothly.  We only forgot a few things.

We get to the GCNP in early afternoon and try to check-in.  Of course, they don't have our room ready and we go out to lunch:

The Arizona
Vicki at the Arizona

 The waiter, whose name was Erik and has spent 20+ years in GCNP was very helpful as to where take pictures.  Most of what he told me I had read, but he helped me decide where I wanted to go.  We eventually get into our room.  It is described as a standard room with a partial view:
Room View

Not a bad partial view.

I spend some time trying to figure out where to go for sunset pictures.  I finally decide on Hopi Point and it is relatively close.  In all my readings they suggest getting there 1-1/2 hours early, which would mean around 5:45pm.  To make sure you get a spot and the lighting is a good.  I think I got there around 5pm.  I happen to own two cameras, so after a while I staked out two spots for sunset.  One facing east and the other facing west.  It was a pretty cool sunset.  It got crowded just before sunset but not overly so.  Here are some pictures.  Hopefully, there are not too many :)  Vicki joined me after a while and I put her to work pushing the button on the east facing camera.  The weather was cold and windy (Seems to be a theme); gusts up to 30mph coming from the west.

Condor flew by.  It was tagged 97
According to sign somewhere in here is a condor nest.
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
It was amazing all the color just went away
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
Hopi Point Sunset
It turns out that this week is the new moon.  So I decided that it would be cool to take star pictures.  After some work found the Stellarium app which showed me the direction and time the milky way would appear for my GPS location.  I looked at the weather and as far as I could see all clear but cold and windy so I decided not to do it tomorrow.

Next:  Family arrives

Paul and Vicki Kristoff


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