Day 65: Guided wildlife tour.=

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Today we have a wildlife guided tour.  We signed up for a few days ago when we were at the Old Faithful Lodge.  It is basically a 4 hour tour of Lamar Valley.

  Last night when we got back to the motel, Vicki asked me if today's tour was going to be the same thing as what we did yesterday.  I was not sure how to answer it but I thought it would be the same spots but the guide should fill us in on more details.  I was right.

Sandhill cranes.  We will not see them again here.

As we are driving toward Lamar Valley we see Big Horn Sheep along the road.  The longer the horns the older the sheep.  These are pretty old.

We stop at Slough Creek to look for wolves.  There are close to 50 people here hoping to see one on the side of the hill (second picture).  We had no luck.

Reflection picture of hill that a wolves den is located.

The vehicle we drove in.

Vicki looking for wolves.

See those white dots up there, those are mountain goat.
Osprey nest off the side of the road. 
Black bear near phantom lake

An elk.

David and I decided to do some hiking for exercise today.  Our first thought was to go looking for an Eagle's nest I had heard about from a local photographer.  He said it was on a trail that lead from the campground at Mammoth Hot Springs.  So we drive to Mammoth Hot Springs and walk down to the campground.  As we are walking to the campground the sky starts to cloud up and the wind picks up.  We get to the campground and it starts raining.  So we decide to head back to the car.

From there we decide to go to Blacktail Creek Trail and hike it for a while.  There was a little aerobic exercise but mostly stopping and taking pictures.

As we are hiking out from the trail head we see a couple of hawks.  There happens to be pretty windy, so the hawks are soaring.  Sometimes they are just floating in the same spot.

Perspective makes this look really cool.

I have never seen a hawk do this, let alone get a picture of it.

On the way back we are walking toward a storm, which is still pretty far off.  The wind starts to pick up with gusts around 40-50mph.  It eventually begins to rain as we get to the car.

Parks visited:
  • Big Bend National Park
  • Grand Canyon National Park
  • Upper Antelope Canyon
  • Horseshoe Bend
  • Arches National Park
  • Canyonlands National Park
  • Bryce Canyon National Park
  • Zion National Park
  • Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
  • Utah Lake State Park
  • Shoshone Falls Park
  • Yellowstone National Park
Paul and Vicki Kristoff


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